تاریخ شروع


جمعه - 1402/05/27

تاریخ پایان


جمعه - 1402/05/27


35.7016806389146, 51.413035642378695

Single life

Free discussion

  • Why do you think some people remain single?
  • Would you like to be single all your life?
  • What are the advantages of being single?
  • Do you think that single people are happier?
  • Do you think it is easier for a man or a woman to be single?
  • Why do you think some people prefer to be single?
  • Do you think that there is a soulmate somewhere for everyone?
  • What are the consequences of being single?
  • Are there any perks of being single?

Mentor : Niloofar Nosrati